Cell Phone Policy Plan
Cell phones/iPhones are not permitted to be used during school hours, and it is highly recommended that children not bring them to school at all. However, if, for safety reasons, a parent deems it necessary for his child to have a phone, the phone must be stored out of sight (in a bookbag) and in the “off mode” during school hours (this is CCSD’s policy). Many students also wear Gizmos or other (wearable communication) to school. Parents must talk to their children about when it is appropriate to use them. They should only be used after school. Please do not contact your child during school hours (7:25 - 2:25) using their smart watch or cell phone. Should a student need to contact a parent during school hours, regular phone lines should be used. Teachers are instructed to collect cell phones or Gizmos that are seen or heard during school hours, and parents will be required to come to the school and personally retrieve such phones. The school staff and administration will not be responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen personal technology or toys.. A student who brings a cell phone, Gizmo, or toy to school does so at his/her own risk.